Friday, 6 June 2014

The Clay Modelling


We had to start by crushing tin foil up into a ball. This would make our starting head, then we had to mould the ball into the shape of a skull. This is so we can get the jaw in the right place, and all of the other facial features.
We then used sculpting tools to create the eye sockets and to detail the jaw line and the rest of the head, afterward we had to crush down the head onto a pike for ease of modelling.I had crushed my foil into a tight ball, so at the pike stabbing time, I had a bit of trouble and had to find a stanley knife.
We then got the two types of clay. One was a hard, tough texture and the other was a quite doughey, and extremely sticky texture, but we had to merge them together to make a compound that had a solidity, but stuck really well. Almost the same as when we were using the "Green Stuff".
I began to roll my clay compound and flattened it to make a flat overlay onto my foil skull. When it was placed, I hat to make sure it was all smooth and I had to push the clay into the eye sockets and mould it to my faces shape. When doing this, I moulded the left eye socket so it will turn out to look the same as the gaping hole I have in my Photoshop picture. (See past post for reference)
The main mould has dried now and I need to add the fauxhawk in. I created my compound and then placed it on the head and as you would presume, started pushing in and up to get that curve in. Once it was there and I had a look, it made my head look bigger than it should and the curve was too intense. So, I made another compound and added a new layer on top, looking to far out on the sides, I had to push up until the sides were relative to the head width and make a slight concave curve up to the tip of my hair, then I had to try and make it relevant to the picture with the curve that went down the tip of my hair.
Finally getting that out of the way, I began to add in the actual eye and I got to using the crafting tools. I started by trying to scrape away at my hair to make it look as thought it was threads of hair, but it didn't turn out the greatest. I also scraped away at the inside of the eye socket, which turned out better and actually looked quite close to the photoshop picture. In this I tried scraping in a beard and edited the eyeball.
My eyeball has fell out during the weekend, and I'm rather annoyed as it has gone missing, unfortunately, we are on a tight schedule as well and I need to get a start on the ZBrush piece so I need to leave this for now. 

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